All San Diego City College employees (including part-time) must use this signature generator to develop a signature for use in official email communications. Email signatures not generated via this signature generator dilute the SDCC brand and create inconsistencies, which reflects negatively on the public perception of our college.

SETUP: Enter your name, email address, job title, office phone number, preferred pronouns, and department/division/office. Entering a mobile number is optional.

SOCIAL MEDIA: Click the Social tab to customize the social media links in your signature. All social media links, with the exception of LinkedIn, must link to official college social media pages representing either the college or your department.

* = Required Field


Jon Doe
Department of Digital Media Production
Office: 619.555.5555
Facebook Icon Twitter Icon Youtube Icon Instagram Icon LinkedIn Icon
1313 Park Boulevard, San Diego, CA 92101-4787
San Diego City College has as its highest priority student learning and achievement. The college provides lower division and general education courses that lead to certificates, associate degrees or transfer to a four-year college or university; career technical education programs that meet specific industry needs, upgrade the employment skills of students and fulfill licensing requirements of the state of California as well as contribute to the economic development of our region; basic skills instruction to assist all students in meeting their educational goals; and essential student support services for all students.
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