Lupe Sandoval

Photo of Lupe SandovalAs an alumna of the Barrio Logan College Institute (BLCI), Lupe Sandoval has experienced firsthand the wraparound support and investment of an educational equity program. As the Coordinator for the BLCI Upward Bound Program, Lupe has come full circle: from student to mentor. Lupe's philosophy on the importance of a college education is also informed by her leadership,  advocacy, and the firm belief that a college degree is more about civic participation and finding a voice than just the promise of upward mobility. Lupe's primer on education, litigation, & policy advocacy began through her internship with the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and has persisted in her community organizing efforts within the most resilient communities in San Diego. Presently, Lupe chairs the BLCI Alumni Advisory Committee which engages alumni and fundraises scholarships for students.