San Diego City College Resources
Do you have a recent financial emergency?
If yes, you may qualify for a one-time emergency aid for continuing San Diego City
College (SDCC) students who recently experienced an unanticipated and/or catastrophic life event that may cause you from stopping or pausing your educational goals.
Eligible SDCC students must:
- have a minimum 2.0 grade point average at SDCC
- provide supporting documentation of recent emergency expense i.e. official invoice
If approved, the check will be issued to a third party only (i.e. company’s name)
and it may take 2-3 weeks to receive the check. Unfortunately, checks cannot be made
in the student’s name.
Please click on the link below to complete the form where you will provide the details
of the recent financial emergency you are experiencing and upload the official documentation
of your expense.
ECMC Emergency Aid Application
Students may fill out the form to see if they meet the qualification for a one-time
gift card. Click here to apply.
- Hunger Action Day (Twice a month )
City College is teaming up with Feeding San Diego and San Diego Food Bank to bring
free, nutritious fruits and vegetables to all students, faculty and staff. Sign up here.
- City Emergency Food Assistance - students may fill out the form to see if they meet the qualification for a one-time
gift card. Click here to apply.

Student Health Center: Mental Health Counseling Contact Us: A-180 | 619.388.3055 | Our goal at the San Diego City College Mental Health Counseling Center is to help
students benefit fully from the college experience by supporting personal, social,
and emotional well-being. We aim to support students as they balance the demands of
their academic and personal lives. Our services are paid for through the student health
fee and are therefore free for any enrolled student to use. Services provided are
confidential to include short-term individual, couples and group counseling, crisis
intervention, and outreach/ prevention. We also provide consultation and referral
services to students, staff, and faculty.
Student Health Center Contact Us: A-180 | 619.388.3450 | The Student Health Clinic supports the success of students by attending to the physical
and psychological well-being of all San Diego Community College District students.
Services include basic first aid, nurse (RN) visits, limited over the counter medications,
doctor or nurse practitioner appointments, weight/blood pressure/vision screenings,
lab tests, physical exams, X-ray orders, limited immunizations and flu shots, preventive
care/health counseling and mental health services. There is usually no charge to see
a registered nurse, nurse practitioner, or physician. However, your health fee does
not cover prescription medications, lab-work, X-rays, or immunizations.

CalWORKs CalWORKs (California Work Opportunity & Responsibility to Kids) is a statewide program
that assists students who are receiving Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)/cash
aid and are participants in the Welfare-to-Work program. Counselors and staff empower
students to achieve their academic career and personal goals. Specialized services
have been designed to support students in their career, education and personal goals.
The program also helps students understand and meet their Welfare-to-Work requirements.
Services include vocational/ academic counseling, job placement, work-study placement,
verification of Welfare-to-Work hours, childcare, transportation services, and educational

Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS) San Diego City College is committed to ensuring that all students have a fair and
equal opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and complete their educational
goals. As part of this commitment, the colleges provide referral services for homeless
youth through the Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS) office.
The following services will be provided:
- Access to shower facilities on-campus during designated hours
- Referrals to student support services including financial aid, CalWORKs, DSPS, food
pantries, and mental health services.
- Referrals to outside agencies that support homeless shelters, housing referrals, etc.
as needed.
- Priority Registration, if eligible, (requires submission of FAFSA or BOGW application
and verifi cation of status)
- Students that are homeless, formerly homeless or at-risk are encouraged to visit the
City College EOPS office for more information.
Next Up NextUp is a supplemental program of EOPS designed to support the educational goals and well-being
of current and former foster youth. It provides eligible students with additional
support "over and above" that which EOPS provides.
Are you in need of a Laptop or WiFi device?
City College has Chromebooks and WiFi Hotspots available for currently enrolled students,
please submit the form below to request a device.
* Returning a Device? Loaned Chromebook and/or Hotspots can be placed along with accessories (AC Adapter)
in a protective bag and gently depositing the gear into The Learning Resources Center's
Library Book Return slot anytime.
If you are experiencing homelessness or housing insecurities, we are here to help
you. Homeless and Housing Insecure includes students who are:
- Sharing the housing of other persons due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or
a similar reason.
- Living in motels, hotels, trailer parks, or camping grounds due to the lack of alternative
adequate accommodations.
- Living in emergency or transitional shelters.
- Abandoned in hospitals.
- Living in a primary nighttime residence that is a public or private place not designed
for or ordinarily used as a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings.
- Living in cars, parks, public spaces, abandoned buildings, substandard housing, bus
or train stations, or similar settings.”
If you are experiencing homelessness or housing insecurities, please complete the
Basic Need Assessment and a case manager will reach out.
My name is David Howard. It is an honor to join the HHIP team serving our City College
students. I completed my Masters in Social Work at SDSU in 2019, and I am excited
to bring my experience to San Diego City College. I have worked with individuals experiencing
homelessness for much of the past 10 years, primarily focusing on the overlap between
addiction and chronic homelessness. Most recently, I worked with homeless military
Veterans at Veterans Village of San Diego. My past work has been a mix of research/program
design, and direct clinical practice. Because of this, joining this project and putting
all of my skills to use feels like coming home! I am especially eager to connect with
our diverse and marginalized students, and let them know they are not alone in chasing
their academic and personal goals.
Hi, my name is Michael Evans, but you can call me Mike. I am currently an Associate
Clinical Social Worker working here in the Homelessness and Housing Insecurity Pilot
program (HHIP), and I couldn’t be happier to be here working in this program. I graduated
from SDSU in 2019 with an MSW, concentrating in direct practice. I have professional
experience working with adults with severe mental illness, college students, and people
experiencing homelessness; I have worked in inpatient, outpatient, and street-based
settings. My most recent job at PATH (People Assisting the Homeless) gave me a breadth
of experience working with individuals with chronic medical problems, addiction, and
mental illness. My passions for addressing unjust systems and also working directly
with clients intersect in a program like HHIP, which makes this opportunity all the
more exciting. I look forward to using my strengths and experience to create a sustainable
program that will impact college students for years to come.
My name is Zaira Martinez and it is an honor to return to San Diego City College as
Project Assistant for HHIP (Homeless and Housing Insecurity Pilot Program). I received
my Associates in Social Work from San Diego City College (SDCC) in 2018 and went on
to transfer to SDSU where I also received my Bachelors in Social Work. I have the
first-hand experience in housing insecurity that will help me understand your needs
and empathize with the struggles of being a student and dealing with home insecurity.
While at City, I worked as a student PEER and learned about the importance of mental
health for students and a community as a whole. While at SDSU, I completed my internship
hours at SDCC as a case manager, assisting with the PEER program, and giving presentations
about mental health and our services. My most recent job was as a case manager helped
me with finding essential resources for my clients. I am so excited to bring my past
experience to a campus that has shown me so much support throughout the years and
to assist with starting a program that positively impacts our campus for future generations
of students.
My name is Emily Saldine. I have had the privilege of working as a Grant Coordinator
in Mental Health for the past 5 years overseeing 3 different grants while at SDCC.
I am beyond excited to continue this work as the Grant Coordinator for the Homeless
and Housing Insecurity Pilot Program. I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, initially
working in various roles in the non-profit sector including information and referral,
case management and management. In addition to my work at SDCC I also work as an emergency
room social worker at both Kaiser and Sharp hospitals, which allows me to consistently
access and laisse with community resources to ensure client’s needs are met. I look
forward to expanding this network further to ensure SDCC students are safely and sustainably
housed so they they can focus on their studies.
Hello! My name is Bailey Iwamoto and my pronouns are she, her, hers. I am currently
a fourth-year student at San Diego State University where I am pursuing a Bachelor’s
degree in Social Work, with a minor in Business Administration. I am a BSW Intern
here at City College for the Welcome Home, City program. I also work for the County
of San Diego as a student intern where I get to learn so much about how public assistance
works and various options such as CalWorks, CalFresh, and many others. My initial
interest in working with college students began when I served as a Resident Advisor
(RA) in the SDSU residence halls, where I had the incredible opportunity to mentor
and build relationships with a community of college students while living alongside
them. Through this experience, I learned how important it is to have a safe and comfortable
living environment in order to perform well academically. I am so excited to be able
to help with this program and I look forward to providing support and resources to
our students at City College!
Community Resources
31st St. 7th Day Adventist Church
414 31st Street, San Diego 92113 | 619.231.3652 |
Food distribution with fresh produce and bread every Wed. from 11:30am-1:00pm. Walk-in
for services, all SD County served, must be 18, no documentation required, receive
a line ticket during distribution hours.
Catholic Charities of San Diego at the Salvation Army
825 7th Avenue, San Diego 92101 | 619.231.2828 |
No fees or documents required. Free food from 9:00-11:00am, 3rd Saturday of every
month. Walk-in services, first come, first served basis.
First Presbyterian Church of San Diego
320 San Diego Street, San Diego 92101 | 619.232.7513 |
No fees, or documents required. Free food from 9:30-11:00am on the the 2nd Saturday
of every month. Must live in zip codes 92101, 92102, 92103.
Foundation Matthew 633 Food for a Neighbor
1800 N. Broadway, Escondido 92026 | 619.253.9951
Every Mon, Wed, and Fri. from 10:30am until all food is gone. Closed on major holidays
that land on distribution days. Bring your own bag(s).
It's All About the Kids
2926 Market Street, San Diego 92101 | 858.229.3363 |
Food Pantry: sign up every Thursday. To register text "REGISTER" to 833.424.0894.
Required docs are a birth certificate with accompanied parent listed, for children
over 5, or a report card is acceptable.
Jewish Family Services | Joan & Irwin Jacobs Campus
8878 Balboa Avenue | 858.637.3210|
Jewish Family Services | Ohr Shalom Synagogue
2512 3rd Avenue, San Diego 92103 | 858.637.3210 |
Open to any San Diegan in need, provide monthly food distribution sites across San
Diego, as well as emergency food bags, available for pick-up.
La Maestra Community Health Center
4060 Fairmount Avenue, San Diego 92105 | 619.779.7900 |
Provides a weekly food distribution and pantry to low income patients in the Central
Region accessing clinical services. Call for additional information.
Mid-City Christian Fellowship (Mid-City Nazarene)
4101 University Avenue, San Diego 92105 | 619.516.1000 |
Food Bank, appointment system. Appointment system, Tue. 3:00-5:00pm, Thr. 9:00-11:00am,
Sat. 9:00-11:00am, 1st Sat. of the month, 9:00-11:00am.
St. David's Food Pantry
5050 Milton Street, San Diego 92110 | 619.276.4567 |
Weekly fresh food pantry. Anyone in need, no documents required, clients shop from
available food. Food is available from 12:15-12:45pm on Sundays
Mark's Episcopal Church and Food Cupboard
4227 Fairmount Avenue, San Diego 92105 | 619.283.6242
Open every Wed. and Thur. from 12:00-2:00pm. Serves area of City Heights (92105),
no fees, walk-in services, photo I.D. required, and one bag of food per household.
The Salvation Army
825 7th Avenue, San Diego 92101 | 619.699.2216 |
Free food 9:00-11:45am, & 1:00-3:30pm, M-F closed Wed. Emergency food must be an unusual
situation where expected income did not arrive, or was withheld. Photo ID and proof
of income required.
Special Delivery Food Pantry San Diego
4021 Goldfinch Street, San Diego 92103 | 619.297.7373 |
Free food Monday-Thursday from 11:30-1:30pm, appointments only. If no appointment
arrive at 12:45pm with photo I.D. Home delivery available, but you must be referred
by your case worker.
Uptown Community Service Center
3725 30th Street, San Diego 92104 | 619.693.5511 |
No appointment necessary, but pre-registration is required. Provides canned grocery
bags, Mon, Tue & Fri at 9:00am. Bring ID, from 9:00am-3:00pm.
2-1-1 San Diego Perinatal Care Network
3851 Rosecrans Ave., San Diego 92110 | 800.675.2229 |
Expedites Medi-Cal applications for pregnant woman, and follow-ups to ensure appropriate
coverage and accompanying wrap around services. Provides assistance with setting up
first appointment and transportation for future appointments.
Behavioral Health Service
1045 9th Ave., San Diego 92101 | 619.235.2600
Community Research Foundations/CalWORKs Behavioral Health Center, Step Forward
2772 4th Ave., San Diego 92103 | 619.295.6067 |
Provides behavioral health services, prevention, mental health education and outreach
to CalWORKs recipients. Must be referred by ETA, Medi-care/cal card.
Family Health Centers of San Diego, Community Healthcare at S.D. City College
1550 Broadway, Ste #2, San Diego 92101 | 619.515.2525 |
Offers primary healthcare services and medical appointments to all ages, women’s services
and HIV/STD treatment. Services include sick visits, well-child visits, physicals,
immunizations, etc. No one will be turned away.
La Maestra Community Health Center City Heights
4060 Fairmont Ave. Fl. 2, San Diego CA | 619.255.9155 |
Provides general outpatient medical care to children and adults. Offers general health
screening services and exams and pediatric evaluations. Call for more information.
The Meeting Place Clubhouse
2553 State St., San Diego 92101 | 619.294.9582 |
Mental health services. Call for details.
Mountain Health and Community Services, 5th St.
316 25th St., San Diego 92102 | 619.445.6200 |
Provides general outpatient medical care for adults and families regardless of ability
to pay, including cold and flu visits, labs, physical referrals. Contact for program
details, and required documents.
Neighborhood House Assocation Project Enable
286 Euclid Ave., Suite #102, San Diego 92114 |619.266.2111| neighborhoodhouse
Provides time-limited outpatient specialty mental health services. Call for details.
Public Health Services, Health & Human Services County of San Diego, Immunization
3177 Ocean View Bvld., San Diego 92113 | 619.595.4452 |
Provides routine childhood and adolescent vaccines to protect against diphtheria,
tetanus, etc. No appointment needed. All ages welcome, bring insurance card if applicable.
Sliding scale for income and family size if no insurance.
San Diego American Indian Health Center
2630 1st. Ave., San Diego 92103 | 619.234.2158 |
Offers primary healthcare and mental health services. Insurance accepted and sliding
fee for those with no insurance. You are not required to be American Indian.
San Diego Family Care Mid-City Pediactric Clinic
4305 University Ave., Ste. # 150, San Diego 92105 | 619.280.2058 |
Provides outpatient pediatric medical care. Sliding scale fees based on family size
and income. No one is refused services due to inability to pay.
San Ysidro Health and Medical Services
3177 Ocean View Bvld., San Diego 92113 | 619.662.4100 |
Healthcare services for individuals and families. Proof of income and residency required.
Bring Health Insurance Card (if applicable), if no insurance, sliding scale based
on family size.
Scripps Health Mercy Clinic
4020 5th Ave., San Diego 92105 | 619.260.7022 |
Provides routine medical care services for children adults with a focus on those that
are low income or who are uninsured. Assists with Medi-Cal applications, and other
possible coverage.
Village Family Health Center, St. Vincent De Paul
1501 Imperial Ave., San Diego 92101 | 619.645.6405 |
Provides integrated physical and behavioral healthcare. Primary care, pediatrics,
psychiatry, and dental care. Insurance accepted, sliding fee scale for those with
no insurance. No one turned away.
Catholic Charities The Leah Residence
789 9th Avenue, San Diego 92101 | 619.236.1288 |
Twenty-three affordable housing units dedicated for people who are homeless and have
at least one household member with a disability. Must be referred from Coordinated
Entry System (CES).
City of San Diego Fair Housing
1200 3rd Avenue Suite 1400 MS 56D, San Diego 92101 | 619.236.6700
Community Catalysts of California, VCS Re-Housing
5605 El Cajon Boulevard, San Diego 92115 | 800.974.9909 |
Veterans only: Provides temporary financial assistance and short-term case management
to assist Veterans and their families with obtaining permanent housing.
Community Housing Works
2815 Camino Del Rio South #305, San Diego 92108 | 888.884.4249 |
Operates three HUD-funded housing units. Must be referred through CES.
Father Joe's Villages Rapid Re-Housing Program
1501 Imperial Avenue, San Diego 92101 | 619.233.8500 |
Assistance with initial move-in costs and temporary rental assistance.
Father Joe's Villages Transitional Housing Program
1501 Imperial Avenue, San Diego 92101 | 619.233.8500 |
Transitional support for families including three meals per day, security, case management,
counseling, and education/job support.
Home Start Domestic Violence Rapid Re-Housing Program
5005 Texas Street Suite #203, San Diego 92108 | 619.232.7513|
Provides mobile advocacy and financial assistance that supports domestic violence
survivors in needs relating to safety and housing stability. Assistance with retaining
or obtaining housing, or with rental assistance and security deposit.
Housing and Community Development Services of San Diego County
3889 Ruffin Road, San Diego 92123 |858.694.4801 |
Provides housing information and an affordable housing resource guide, as well as
information on single room occupancy (SRO), and emergency shelter, etc.
Legal Aid
1764 San Diego Avenue, San Diego 92110 | 844.449.3500 PATH San Diego
Rapid Re-Housing 1250
6th Avenue, San Diego 92101 | 619.810.8668 |
All-inclusive services such as housing navigation, rapid rehousing, interim housing,
and permanent supportive housing.
The Salvation Army Regional Office Door of Hope for Women
2799 Health Center Drive, San Diego 92123 858.279.1100 |
Provides a transitional living center for homeless women living with children. Offers
a range of support services such as counseling, parenting, etc.
San Diego Housing Commission
1122 Broadway Avenue, San Diego 92101 | 619.578.7768 |
Need help to pay your past-due rent and utilities because of COVID-19? Sign up now!
You'll be notified when you can apply for help through an upcoming City of San Diego
program. Visit
Program intends to minimize length of homelessness on individuals and families. Provides
housing location support, short or medium term rental assistance app. fee and deposit.
San Diego Rescue Mission Traditional Housing|
120 Elm Street, San Diego 92101 | 619.819.1773 |
Second Avenue is a multiphase transitional housing program. Offers subsidized transitional
housing, including room and board for up to 2 years, and emergency shelter.
Youth & Family Services YMCA
4145 Swift Avenue Apt. #1, San Diego 92104 | 619.640.9774 |
Offers an 18-month program that provides transitional shared apartment living for
homeless individuals with or without children. Adults must be between 18-24.
Veterans Village of San Diego Welcome Home Family
286 Euclid Avenue, San Diego 92114 | 619.393.2000 |
Offers transitional housing options to eligible veterans who are homeless or at imminent
risk of becoming homeless and want to achieve a smooth transition into permanent housing.