Hire A Knight Employer Services
San Diego City College’s Hire a Knight campaign connects employers with a diverse and growing pool of experienced students and graduates. A brief description of our more popular services is listed below.
Job postings
Post your career and internship opportunities for students and graduates. Through the San Diego City College Central Network website, you can register and begin posting jobs for free.
Customized Recruitment
San Diego City College job placement team can work with you to tailor a university recruitment campaign to targeted students based on criteria such as GPA, major, graduation date, etc.
We've worked successfully with companies like NavWar, GKN Aerospace, Nike and many more.
Meet Students
Schedule an appointment with our employer outreach and career services team to assist you in coordinating an information session, on-site open house, career fair, on-site recruitment and screening, or customized presentations to attract students and graduates from your region.
Resume Collections + Resume Books
Let us do the resume collection for you! We can promote your open positions using your marketing materials and, in return, provide you with a book of all interested candidate resumes for your review.
Networking Events
Employers are encouraged to attend our professional networking events with San Diego City College students and alumni. This is a great opportunity to network and informally meet potential job candidates.
About Our Students
As an employer, you have options for recruiting talent, and finding ready-to-work
talent is one of the most important decisions organizations have to make. Our campus
prides itself in fostering students in social justice and serves a diverse population
of talented students.
San Diego City College students are completing degrees in the areas of Business, Education, Health, Advance Manufacturing, Advanced Transportations and Logistics, Global Trade, Chicana Studies, Communication and Liberal Arts.
Let City College Knights students and graduates bring a wide array of talent, determination, innovation, and experience to your workplace.
- 79% of enrolled students indicate they belong to a minority group (Source: Institutional Research Services, 2019)
- 70% of students are continuing students (Source: Institutional Research Services, 2019)
- 70% of our students range from ages 18-29 (Source: Institutional Research Services, 2019)
- As of Fall 2019, 11% of students were affiliated with the military (Source: Institutional Research Services, Fall 2019)