Fee Waiver


California College Promise Grant (CCPG)


The California College Promise Grant (CCPG) is a state-sponsored program that waives enrollment fees for qualifying students who are California residents. The CCPG is only available at California Community Colleges. CCPG applicants do not have to be enrolled in a minimum number of units – whether you take 0.5 units or 21 units, your enrollment fees will be waived. CCPG applicants only need to apply once per year for the fees to be waived for the academic year (fall, spring, and summer).

The CCPG pays for enrollment fees only. Students are responsible for all other fees that apply (health fee, parking permit, student representation fee, etc.). Assistance for the purchase of books and supplies must be applied for separately by submitting a FAFSA or Dream Act application



How to Apply?


To apply for the CCPG, students must complete the application, which can be accessed through CCPG. Students may qualify under different methods. Students only need to qualify for one method to have their fees waived. Students who submit a CCPG application may also need to submit proof of prior year income, such as 1040 Federal tax return and W2s.

2021-2022 CCPG paper application (pdf)

Method A - designed for students on public assistance programs: TANF/CalWORKs, SSI/SSP (Supplemental Security Income/State Supplemental Program), or General Assistance. Certification must be obtained from the appropriate agency and documentation will be required to verify your eligibility. Most documentation must be dated within the last 60 days. Students submit documentation through Jira.

Method B - designed for low-income students whose PPY (prior prior year) income was within qualifying income guidelines. Students apply for this method through CCPG. Federal tax returns may be required. Supporting documentation must be submitted through Jira.

Method C awarded to students who applied through the FAFSA or Dream Act application and demonstrate a financial need of $1,104 or more. Students who qualify under Method C do not need to complete a separate CCPG application.

Method D - designed for students under the age of 25 who can verify that they have been without residence (homeless) in the last 24 months. They will select “yes” on the CCPG application and provide proof to the Financial Aid Office for verification through Jira.

Method S - 
designed for Dependents of Disabled or Deceased California Veterans or National Guard, recipients and children of recipients of the Congressional Medal of Honor, or dependents of victims of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack. Certification must be obtained from the appropriate agency and documentation will be required to verify your eligibility. Most documentation must be dated within the last 60 days and you must submit documentation through Jira.

Additional Information


The Financial Aid office reviews your application. You must be a California resident. The CCPG will cover fall, winter/ intersession, spring, and summer semesters. The CCPG only covers enrollment fees, it is not a book award or book grant, and it is not a loan. If you apply for the CCPG after you pay your fees, you may be reimbursed, as long as you complete and submit your application prior to the end of the semester. For question related to reimbursement contact Student Accounting. If a student is determined later to have been ineligible for a CCPG who was already awarded, the CCPG will be automatically cancelled and the fees reassessed to the student's account.

Loss of CCPG and Registration Priority







Cal Grant






Cal Grant


Cal Grants are offered by the State of California and administered by the California Student Aid Commission (CSAC). Like Pell Grants, Cal Grants do not have to be repaid. Cal Grants are available for undergraduate students who are enrolled in at least six units per semester and who have not earned a bachelor’s degree. You may not receive Cal Grant funds from more than one college at a time. To apply for a Cal Grant, you will need to complete the FAFSA or the CA Dream Act Application.


How to Apply


All students start the application process by completing and submitting either the Free Application for Ferderal Student Aid (FAFSA) or California Dream Act Application (CADAA) by March 2nd each year. You must als submit a GPA Verificartion Form to the state on or before March 2nd each year. If you are a current student at San Diego City College and have completed at least 16 units at San Diego City College, we will electronically submit your GPA verification. Community Colleges have a second deadline to submit a GPA verification on September 2nd each year. This will allow students who complete 16 units after summer semester to apply for a Cal Grant.


There are three types of Cal Grants that a student might receive at San Diego City College.


1. Cal Grant B Entitlement - designed for financially needy students who graduated from high school and who meet the grade point average and family income asset requirements as determined by the CSAC. Cal Grant B pays up to $1,672 per year while you are attending San Diego City College.

2. Cal Grant B Competitive - designed for students who meet the academic, family, income, and disadvantaged background requirements as determined by the CSAC. Cal Grant B pays up to $1,672 per year while you are attending San Diego City College.

3. Cal Grant C - designed for two-year vocational students. This grant is available for up to two years. If you qualify for this grant, please log into your WebGrants account and submit the online Cal Grant C Supplemental Form by the specified deadline.


Can I switch and receive different types of Cal Grant?


No. Once you have received your Cal Grant (B or C), you cannot change your type of Cal Grant in the following years.


If you don't want to receive your Cal Grant and save it - you can request a "Leave of Absence" for up to 2 years. This can be done through WebGrants 4 Students


Student Success Completion Grant (SSCG)




The SSCG is a community college financial aid program for Full Time Cal Grant B and Cal Grant C recipients enrolled in 12+ units. The purpose of the SSCG grant is to provide students with additional financial aid to help offset the total cost of community college attendance, and to encourage full-time attendance and successful on-time completion. SSCG funding is limited and the grant is subject to the availability of funds.

Disbursement Amount per Semester:

12-14.99 units = $649

15+ units = $2,000


Additional Information


Be a California resident or an eligible AB540 student

Not have a bachelor's or professional degree

Have a high school diploma or equivalent

Must be a Cal Grant B or C recipient that received a full-time Cal Grant payment

Must be enrolled full-time(12 units or more)

Must be meeting Federal Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) standards

Must have unmet need to receive the SSCG

*Please note: Students might be able to "make up" full-time units during the following Summer term.

In order to take advantage of this new grant please ADD all your units by the semester Census Date/ Freeze Date.



Chafee Grant


The Chafee Grant is available for former foster youth studens who were in foster care between the ages of 16-18 years old. Eligible students must submit a one-time Chafee Grant application at Chafee and submit a FAFSA or CA Dream Act application. Students must claim this award before you reach your 26th birthday as of July 1st of the award year. Please check your eligibility on your WebGrants account.

For more information, Please visit California Chafee Grant for Foster Youth.