Due to the urgency to protect the health of our students and employees, in the wake of the Coronavirus, San Diego City College has canceled classes March 16-March 22.

Classes and support services are being moved online and to alternative forms. Campus is closed to students. Please visit the college's website www.sdcity.edu and our social media pages for more information. You can also download the LiveSafe app for updates.

We are doing our best to respond to emails and phone calls during this time. Please contact your instructor or program for more information.


Image of City Scholars Poster


City Scholars 

Educate not Incarcerate.
The City Scholars Program was designed to help justice-impacted students transition to San
Diego City College. The program provides access to a range of academic, social, and emotional
support to help students facilitate their success in college.



Enroll in at least 6 units or more each

Apply for Financial Aid

As a City Scholars student you will be required to meet the following
program requirements:

  1. Complete and submit progress reports each semester
  2. Meet with Mental Health Counselor for check in/ resources within the community and campus once per semester
  3. Enroll in a Personal Growth course within the first year in college
  4. Complete a comprehensive educational plan by the end of your first year
  5. Participate in a Student Engagement Activity each semester


For more information on how to become a City Scholar, contact:

City Scholars Counselor; Andre Jones:
CityScholars@sdccd.edu | (619)-388-3675

City Scholars Program Specialist;
City Scholars Mental Health Counselor:
Nadine Henley, MSW, LCSW

Application Form

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